Monday, March 23, 2009

eve's first typing

Eve typed her first missive today:

C , bn n mn 0 c”CFG%RTbh\-=-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\,b]\d
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‘hjn b6gt5hf io b ih m hg / gvh y6b ÷ c x

She also proved very adept at searching Word's help files. Go, Eve!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

three months and counting

As you may have noticed, I'm having a hard time updating this thing. Life with Eve is a day in, day out, all-consuming sort of labor of love. I'm still having a hard time forming complete coherent sentences, spoken or written. I also have a tendency to type one-handed, baby-in-arms.

What I do want to take time out to say is how amazed I am by how much Eve is becoming her own self. She has likes and dislikes, a sweet, outgoing temperament and she definitely knows me and Seth. Eve loves standing up in a friendly lap, rocking out to music videos on YouTube. (1234 by Feist and All the Single Ladies by Beyoncé seem to be favorites.) She is particularly interested in other babies, and the interest is mutual. (She's been the recipient of many sloppy toddler kisses.) She's starting to be able to use her hands to grasp and hold a little bit. It's crazy to think just three weeks ago she was only starting to laugh a little bit. Now I can tickle her under her arms and she laughs for days.

When she's happy she has a contagious smile that lights up her face and that of everyone around her. When she's really happy she smiles so hard she sticks out her tongue, and her bright blue eyes crinkle up like she's staring into the sun.

She caught a little cold this past week and spent the latter half of today crying inconsolably through her stuffy little nose. Despite my frazzled nerves I am still convinced she's the love of my life. I am obnoxiously, stupidly, helplessly over the moon for this amazing girl.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

eve's one month update

Eve is six weeks old as of yesterday, so I suppose it's high time to give you her 1 month update.

She went to the pediatrician on 11/24, at which point she weighed 10 pounds even, measured 21 inches long, and had a head circumference of 14.5 inches.

She remains damn cute:

eve at 1 month

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

election day

we took eve out to vote this morning:

we voted

more photos, including her cute "I voted" sticker, over here.

Monday, November 3, 2008

meeting the grandparents

Seth's parents came to visit this past weekend. They were very excited to meet baby Eve.

meeting the grandparents

They brought presents for everyone--we were especially impressed with the beautiful quilt Mary Gorrie made for Eve. It's so pretty and so soft. Eve's going to love it for years to come.

We also got a chuckle out of this:

mommy's time out -- present from grandma

"Mommy's Time Out" wine, courtesy of Grandma Dz. heh.

There isn't much else to report, as of now. Eve has been nursing nonstop, and didn't let me sleep *at all* on Saturday night. Also, I cracked a tooth this weekend, so I've been sore and grumpy in addition to sleep deprived. Seth's car was totaled (see the 1st post) so I'm going to be stuck at home without a car when he goes back to work on Thursday, until we replace his old car.

Baby's still cute, though.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Eve's first week of photos

Before we set Eve up with her own flickr photostream Amelia was using her flickr account for all our baby pics. We'll move those pictures over soon but in the mean time you can view them at